Friday, May 6, 2011

Sloup #16: starts with a workshop the week before

As part of the 3rd Annual Chautauqua Art Lab, a "week-long grassroots citywide arts festival, free university and art parade," we will run a Sloup proposal workshop for "solo artists with half thoughts" at 1 pm on May 15th (check back at Emily Hemeyar's blog for confirmed location). Let's bring on a new wave of ideas in one hour of getting it out and down. We're even gonna make worksheets to make it easier and more fun, and then we'll enter every single one to compete for the next Sloup grant, even if they don't feel complete! We love this idea because it's that time of year to get overwhelmed by all the amazing things we all can ( AND WILL) make and do.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea ! I'm planning to come and learn.
