Monday, October 25, 2010

Sloup #9: Lyndsey Scott

***This December, I'm riding my red bicycle in a red sparkly dress in Texas for The Long Haul of Justice! This is when adult human beings get together in their superhero characters and homemade costumes and ride on bicycles from town to town, meeting people and offering to help out. Founded in 2000, hundreds of superheroes have taken part in these annual 1-2 month rides that combine spontaneous service, sustainability, and silliness. This summer I fell in love with the SuperHero "HQ" which is an 80-acre homestead in NE MO called The Possibility Alliance. This electricity-and-petroleum-free experiment in radical simplicity is my new favorite place to learn. During the "Clowning for Social Change" workshop intensive there in August, we got to concoct and try-on our characters for the local Amish kids, at the nursing home, and Truman State Campus. I am The SerendipiTease: I celebrate being in the right place at the right time with a smile that beams your brightness right back at you. With acroyoga, dancey pants, and NVC, I welcome us to into feeling good and free***

Wow! This Sloup was superfantastic!! Thank you Pig Slop Studios for hosting and thank you Mary and Araceli from Rue Lafayette for making the most delicious soup! Thank you everyone that attended/applied/contributed - Sloup couldn't do it without you! We made our largest grant yet: $380!

Stay tuned for more about next month's Sloup on November 21st at the Archive on Cherokee Street. Save the date!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sloup #9: RIGHT NOW

Hey all! As we speak Mary at Rue Lafayette is cooking up a fresh batch of her cream of mushroom and leak soup and we'll be putting out the bowls and proposals before the sun drops. Head on over to Pig Slop Studios @ 2700 Cherokee and bring a flagon for you and your friends!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sloup #9: Rue Lafayette @ Pig Slop Studios

Pig Slop Studios is hosting the ninth sloup on October 24th at 6 pm. Keep up with what they're up to on the is good.

And Rue Lafayette will be cooking up and donating a Cream of Mushroom & Leek Soup with white Truffle oil!

And we are now on the facebook and Twitter! Find us!