What are you making? "I will be creating an outdoor installation for Post Performance 3: A one night, site specific performance that pairs a visual artist with a musician. Post Performance takes place at The Old Post Office Plaza and is part of a monthly summer performance series hosted by The Luminary Center for the Arts.The event is free and open to the public. The work will be comprised of 5 to 7 freestanding sculptures, varying in height and width, ranging from 4‐8 ft tall. Fabric will be stretched and nailed to an abstract wooden frame to form a variety ofintersecting planes between the pieces of wood, and illuminated with colored lighting from within.
The lines and patterns of the architectural forms surrounding the site are used as inspiration for
the installation. The abstract shapes of the sculptures will be multi faceted and multi dimensional incomposition. Addressing themes of repetition, space and perception, the sculptures not only relate to place, but are also intended to provide a visual mimicry of the rhythmic sounds of the musiciansperforming: High Places"
Check out Carlie's work here
Wow! So much awesome in one night Sloup #17! Thank you Flowers to the People for our first Sloup in a flower shop - so beautiful
Thank you Holly Fann for the lovely black bean soup - with choice of awesome toppings
and - tiki master for hire , Will Fischer thank you for turning the Stable's artisanal spirits into a magical summer cocktail.
See you next month at the kick off for CAM's City-Wide Open Studios. Special time (2-4 pm) special place. Dress fancy
Sloup #20: September 2011
13 years ago